Highlights at the GRCSD/ACC AKC Trial at Liberty Station, December 10 and 11, 2011:
Hattie Double Q'd on Saturday, 3rd Place (14 MACH pts.) XB J/W and 3rd Place (24 MACH pts.) XB Standard!
On Sunday, Hattie got 2d Place (.12 seconds away from lst Place) with 25 MACH pts. in Standard, just missing another Double Q due to the last bar down in J/W (the triple).
Nell aka Puppy Double Q'd on Sunday (5 MACH pts. in XB J/W and 17 MACH pts. XB Standard)!
Highlights of the AKC SWRCSD and ADPCSD trial November 25-27, 2011:
Hattie Double Q'd Saturday on challenging courses with a lst Place and 24 MACH points in XB Standard and took another lst Place on Sunday in XB Standard with 22 MACH pts.!
Despite demanding courses, Sparky and Bruce Double Q'd on Friday!
Double Q's at the Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club AKC Trial, November 12 & 13, 2011:
In the rain on Saturday, Hattie Double Q'd with a 4th Place (15 MACH pts.) in XB J/W and a 3rd Place (23 MACH pts.) in XB Standard!
On Sunday, Sparky and Bruce Double Q'd (#4)!
Highlights at the Golden Retriever Club of San Diego County AKC Trial, l0/29 and 30/2011, at Liberty Station, Point Loma, CA:
On Saturday, Bruce was one of two qualifiers on a very challenging XB J/W course with Tommy taking a 2d Place in a class of 11 and Sandy matched that with Nell on a very challenging XB Standard course with a 3rd Place (7 MACH points) in a class of 10 with only three qualifiers.
On Sunday, Sandy and Hattie Double Q'd (#11) with a 3rd Place (15 MACH points) in XB J/W and , in spite of a head plant up the A-frame at top speed (nearly knocking her out), Hattie finished a very challenging XB Standard course of only 3 qualifiers in a class of 10 for a 2nd Place (19 MACH Points).
At the German Shepherd Dog Club of San Diego AKC Trial on September 25, 2011, at Rohr Park, Hattie Double Q'd with a 3rd Place Q (22 MACH points) in XStandard!
Frankie achieved his Novice Agility Jumpers title with a 2nd Place Q at the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of American AKC Trial, September 18, 2011.
Bruce Double Q'd with Sparky and Tommy who also achieved her MX title!
Sandy Double Q'd with Hattie!
At the Orange Coast Rhodesian Ridgeback Club 3-day AKC Trial, Brookside Equestrian Center, Walnut, CA, August 26 thru the 28, 2011, in l06+ degree weather, Frankie (my Marine) made his debut at 15 months with the following results: Friday a 100 lst-Place in Novice B Standard 12" (the only qualifier, all jump heights) and 2d Place in J/W; Saturday 2nd Place in both Standard and J/W; and Sunday another 100 lst Place earning his Novice Agility Title!
Highlights at the German Shepherd Dog Club of San Diego AKC Trial, August 6 and 7, 2011, Sparky attained her "MX" title on Saturday and Hattie Q'd with a 2d Place and 23 MACH points in XB Standard on Sunday.
Meg earned her first major agility title on July 24, 2011 at the UDAC CPE trial held at Lake Wohlford Canine Ranch. She needed just one Standard run to complete her title that weekend, and she waited until Sunday to earn the qualifying run, so that she and Noni (and Kim D) could CATCH on the same day. Maria and Meg shown with Judge Lisa Potts.
And who says dogs don't care about ribbons?!?! On Meg's victory lap, she declined to continue until her mom showed her what the funny blue and white thing was. One sniff, however, was all it took to get moving again.
Highlights at the German Shepherd Dog Club of San Diego AKC Trial, August 6 and 7, 2011, Sparky attained her "MX" title on Saturday and Hattie Q'd with a 2d Place and 23 MACH points in XB Standard on Sunday.
On July 31, 2011, at the Aztec Doberman Pincher Club of San Diego AKC Trial, Liberty Station, Hattie Double Q'd with a 4th Place in XB Std., 25 MACH points!
This was Geronimo's retirement trial, but an auspicious occasion: his daughter Hattie Double Q'd and his son Duncan in South Carolina finished at 14 months of age his Championship (Best of Winners twice)!
Highlights at the hot/challenging Agility Club of San Diego AKC trial, July 9 and l0, 2011, Rohr Park: on Saturday, Hattie won the 12" XB Jumpers/Weaves class for 21 MACH points and Nell aka Puppy (now eligible to Double Q after last weekend's lst-Place title) obtained her first Double Q , 4th Place, 4 MACH points, in the 12" XB Standard class.
On Sunday, July 3, 2011, at Liberty Station (hot days/challenging courses at the Golden Retriever Club of San Diego AKC trial), Hattie Double Q-d and Nell attained her AX title with a lst-Place Q!
The bitch is back! Double/Double Q for Hattie and Sandy on Laura English's challenging courses at the Bichon Frise Club of San Diego AKC Trial, Liberty Station, June 17 - 19: Friday XB J/W 3rd Place 15 MACH pts., XB Standard 2nd Place 33 MACH pts. and Saturday XB J/W 3rd Place 13 MACH pts., XB Standard 3d Place 20 MACH pts.
A Double Q for Sparky/Bruce on Saturday and a Double Q for Geronimo/Sandy on Sunday at the San Diego Rhodesian Ridgeback Club AKC trial on May 21 and 22, 2011!
At the Southwestern Rottweiler Club of San Diego AKC trial at Rohr Park on Sunday, May 15, 2011, Hattie won the XB J/W 12" class (28 MACH points)!
At HVOC on Sunday, March 27, 2011, at the Bichon Frise Club of San Diego/San Diego Rhodesian Ridgeback Club AKC trial Hattie Double Q'd: JWW Class 2d Place (3.04 seconds from lst) with 24 MACH pts., Standard Class 2d Place (.31 second from lst) 37 MACH pts.
Also Nell attained her "AXJ" title with a lst-Place Q!
At the Keeshond Club of Southern California AKC Trial on Sunday, March 13, 2011, Bruce and Tommy Double Q'd!
At the GRCSD AKC trial at Liberty Station January 22-23, Hattie attained her MX title with a 3rd Place and 21 MACH pts.!
Nell had lst-Place Q's in XA J/W and XA Std.
Bruce had Q's in XB J/W with Sparky and Tommy (4th Place).